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About red stamp

What is a red stamp?

It is said that the red seal is the beginning of putting a "copying sutra" (a copy of the sutra) into a temple (paying sutra) and receiving a seal to place the principal image of the temple nearby. I am. It is popularly known as the "red stamp book", but in the olden days it was called the "payment book". Nowadays, it is common to receive a red stamp as a sign of worship, but it seems that there are still some temples where you cannot stamp the red stamp without paying the sutra.

Red seal of Jorakuji Temple

At Jorakuji, a red stamp is given at the temple office. Please feel free to contact us.

We are not obliged to pay the sutras, but we will hand them over after worshiping.

Special opening limited red stamp

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Spring opening limited red stamp

Every year on March 3rd, we hold a special opening of Unkei Buddha.

In the storehouse, Unkei's Amitabha triad, Kaiun Bishamonten, and Fudo Myo are specially opened, and in the main hall, the "Temple Exhibition Art Gallery" is held, displaying the works of artists, photographers, Buddhist priests, scholars, schools, etc. Doing.

It is a red stamp "Spring special opening red stamp" limited to the day of special opening.

Please note that the gift will be given only on the day of the event.

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Autumn book opening limited red stamp

The Jorakuji Toya Buddhist memorial service is held on October 19th every year.

"Autumn Unkei Buddha special door opening" is held from 10:00 to 15:00 before the memorial service.

The Toya Hosho is a scripture of the Jodo sect, "Mugenjukei".

Since it is said that "during the ten days and ten nights, there is more benefit (merit) than practicing for a thousand years in the country of Buddha, if you teach the Buddha," he decided to carry out the memorial service for the ten days and ten nights. to start.

We are giving a red stamp showing the merit of the Toya Buddhist memorial service only on October 19th.

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Nakason Amida Nyorai Shuin (Zodiac sign, 戌 亥)

It is a red stamp of Amida Nyorai, the principal idol.

Visit the principal idol and enjoy the Buddha of Amida Buddha's application "Namu Amida Buddha"

Please receive it after praising it.

Amida Buddha is the lord of the western paradise. It is a Buddha who saves all sentient beings with the name "Namu Amida Butsu". Even if you cannot make a Buddhahood in this world, please come to pick us up directly with the two Bodhisattvas of Kannon at the time of the death.

Then, in Amida's country, Sukhavati Pure Land, he trains to become a Buddha under the Buddha. Amida Buddha is a Buddha of salvation for all.

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Kannon Bodhisattva Shuin

Miura Kannon Sacred Ground Extra.

It is a red stamp of the statue of Kannon Bodhisattva by Unkei.

The Kannon Bodhisattva is a bodhisattva of mercy.

It changes its appearance according to the salvation sought and fulfills all wishes.

Save people from the hassle with the heart of mercy.

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Enmei Jizoson Shuin

It is a red stamp of the Enmei Jizo Bodhisattva, which is enshrined in the Jizo-do in front of the main hall.

This Enmei Jizo was built during the Kyoho era (1716-1735) due to the epidemic of epidemics in each country. It is a Jizo statue with a remarkable spiritual test that was fulfilled by running the Buddhist memorial service of 48 nights. It is reported that there are benefits such as praying for life extension, healing of illness, family safety, and warding off evil.

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Fudo Myoo Shuin

It is a red stamp of Fudo Myoo made by Unkei.

Fudo Myo, who is an angry Myo who tries to return to Buddhism by force.

It is also an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai.

Let's get rid of troubles and bad ties with the sword of Fudo-sama.

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Amitabha triad red stamp

The Amida Buddha and the side samurai Kannon and Mahasthamaprapta are collectively called Amida Sansonbu.

The head and shoulders will welcome you and lead you to the Western Paradise Pure Land.

Unkei work.


Good luck Bishamonten Zhuin

Bishamonten is an ancient Indian god (heavenly man) who protects Buddhism, which is considered to be one of the four heavenly kings and one of the seven deities of good fortune. It has the merit of protecting the north, protecting the teachings of Buddha, and giving people good luck.

Bishamonten of Jorakuji Temple is said to be "Kaiun Bishamonten" and is said to have been built as a guardian deity and a winning god when Yoshimori Wada attacks the north. Unkei work.

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