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Wada Yoshimori


Birth Hisayasu 3rd year (1147)

Death May 3, 1213 (May 24, 1213)

Also known as Kotaro (commonly known as)

Cemetery Wadazuka in Yuigahama, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture Shirahata Shrine in Wada, Hassemachi, Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture

Applicant Applicant for the construction of Jorakuji Temple. It is said that seven Amida temples were built in this area. Jorakuji is said to be one of the Amidado temples.

Biography / background

He is the grandson of Yoshiaki Osuke, who led the Miura Party from the late Heian period to the Kamakura period. Yoshimori made military service in response to Yoritomo's recruitment, and was assigned to the Samurai-dokoro in 1180. He was also successful in pursuing the Heike clan and conquering Oshu, and had a strong confidence in Yoritomo. Yoshimori's Amitabha triad's application is said to be for the victory of the Oshu expedition, but it is also said to be against Hojo Tokimasa, who asked Unkei for a Buddhist statue and built Ganjojuin in Izu. After Yoritomo's death, the confrontation between Mr. Hojo and Yoshimori Wada intensified, and with the provocation of Mr. Hojo, the Kamakura battle took place in the 3rd year of Kenryaku (1213), and the Wada clan was destroyed. Wadazuka near Yuigahama is a remnant of the battle.

Yoshimori was born in 1147 as the eldest son of Yoshiaki Miura's eldest son Taro Sugimoto and Yoshimune. His father, Yoshimune, had a castle in Sugimoto, Kamakura. This area, where Sugimotodera was also located, passed through Mutsuura Road (Kanazawa Highway) and was one of the important bases for the expansion of the Miura clan. Yoshimune crossed the sea from Mutsuura to Kakubo, tried to expand his power, and died in the battle.

Yoshimori At this time, he was 17 years old. Yoshimori calls himself Wada with Wada (Miura City) in the southern part of the Miura Peninsula as the main bon-gwan. The land of Wada was the southernmost base of the Miura clan, and had a cove of Minato.

Looking for a samurai-dokoro bettō in Yoritomo

The Miura clan, including Yoshimori Wada, who left Yoshiaki in the main castle and fled to Awa, joined Yoritomo, who had also withdrawn to Awa. According to Jōsuiki, at this time, the Miura clan said that they were all crying and happy to see that Yoritomo was alive, and that he wanted Yoshimori to be appointed as a samurai-dokoro. Yoshimori said at the reunion of sadness and joy, "It can't be helped to cry. Now is the time to take more care to destroy Mr. Taira and make him the world of Yoritomo. I want Yoshimori Wada to be a samurai-dokoro, "he said in a crazy voice. At the life-threatening reunion, this statement would have cheered up the deceased.

I don't know if this statement was effective, but Yoritomo appointed him as the first Samurai-dokoro. The Samurai-dokoro is one of the important political institutions of the Kamakura Shogunate, and is responsible for controlling the Gokenin.

Wada Yoshimori's personality

Mr. Matao Wakamei, the author of "Wada Yoshimori", points out in his book about the character as follows.

"If the warlords of the early Kamakura period can be divided into pure warrior type and politician type warlords, Yoshimori may belong to the pure warrior type with simple, sincere, and brave personality." There is.

In other words, he was not a politician-type military commander who was superior in political sense, had high administrative skills, was calm, complicated, and did not allow easy riding.

Certainly, when you look at Yoshimori's traces, it seems that you can see a person with a strong sense of family, simple and sensitive.


Unkei and BUSHIDO

In Reiwa 2nd year Agency for Cultural Affairs project

At 4 temples in Yokosuka related to the Miura clan

AR history manga can now be viewed.

First of all, from the link below

See the mystery of the Miura clan and Unkei.

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